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Vignette Block
Vignette Block
Vignette Block
Vignette Block
Vignette Block
Vignette Block

Project: Block

Client: Compagnie La Boîte à Sel

Category: Artistic / IOT

Made by: Thomas Sillard & Raphaël Renaud

“TTT. Theater of connected sound objects? Imagine a transparent cube that emits a sound when tipped over, a technological version of the “moo” box.

On stage, a woman discovers one, which beeps, first under her construction helmet, then another, a third, a fourth… each one broadcasting an urban noise in a different place. She organizes and controls the situation like a good site manager, until the accumulation of sounds and cubic objects (a good sixty of them) absorbs her. The object then takes control… The audience observes worlds being created, ambiences changing, the character having to reinvent himself under the impulse of the transformation of sound and scenic spaces. Based on an idea by director and puppeteer Céline Garnavault, Thomas Sillard designed these astonishing blocks, small units of the construction game and major players in this show, which lacks neither humor nor depth.

Françoise Sabatier-Morel (F.S.-M.)

La Boîte à Sel on Télérama : Critique de Télérama

The 64 wireless blocks, equipped with Raspberry pi zero, are controlled from my control room, and receive instructions to play the sounds with just 10 milliseconds of latency via wifi.